Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Eat, Drink, And Be Merry, For Tomorrow The Kids Return To School

Well, it's not as bad as all that. Mainly it's the whole "waking up to the alarm" thing that I'm not a fan of.

God, in his/her infinite wisdom opted to make sure I was childless, and this "liking to sleep in" thing may have been a primary reason. Or a primary cause. Or one of them, anyway.

Anyway, tomorrow the whole thing kicks back in. There will be two days, a weekend, a full week, then a partial week (well, I think the Friday is a half day), another partial week (MLKJ day), then another couple (or few) full weeks, then a couple of partial weeks (Presidents Day), then a couple of full weeks (maybe three), and then Spring Break. Then it's several full weeks (which will include the MAP test), one partial (that's a half day on a Friday), then all full weeks until school is out.

Second semester is longer, but it goes by very quickly, sometimes.

Let's see... what else?

Oh, nothing new to report on the kitchen nightmare, other than some progress in the slow drainage of the standing water department.

And I forgot to buy a bunch of pencils today. I'm debating right now whether to go do it right now or wait until morning (and leave extra early) to stop by The Wal-Marts up north that's open 24 hours. Or, better yet, to just get a handful from the office in the morning until such a time as I can get to The Wal-Marts.

Yes, we have a winner.

Things are crazy right now. Just in my head, mostly. I'd be more detailed, but too many people behind the crazies read this blog, and... well, I've already said too much. Get it?

Okay, I'm off to bed, because my foot is about to freeze off. (Do you think I should get the computer out of the sun room?)

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