Wednesday, February 02, 2011

I Like Winter (or: Why I am Getting Lynched Tomorrow)

I like winter. There, I've said it. I'll be waiting for the lynch mob now.

But for real, I like winter. I love it when it snows. There is such a beautiful silence about it. I could watch it snow for hours, if it weren't for the invention of television. And the internet. And reading. And sleep.

I guess sleep was a discovery. "Wow, I'm feeling really tired. I wonder how I fix--zzzzzzz."

Anyway, I like winter.

I hate to drive on snow and ice. I don't like being too cold. I don't like making up snow days at the end of the year.

But I like winter. The major thing I did not like (maybe the only thing I did not like) about living in L.A. was the lack of winter. It made Christmas seem just wrong, and it felt like Summer, Fall, More Fall moving to Early Spring, Spring.

It's just strange.

And have I mentioned I love to watch snow fall?

Now, I don't have to leave my home most of the time--especially if there is a snow day. Maybe that's why I can still love it so much.

I love winter in winter, spring in spring, summer in summer, and fall in fall. I also tend to have complaints about them each during their own time, as well... but I don't dislike any of them, really.

All this to say, I appreciate how people dislike winter. I really do. It's just I don't feel that way. So I apologize for not chiming in with you.

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